Leading Construction Companies in Saudi Arabia in Oil and Gas.
Global Sources General Contracting Co Ltd “GLOBALSOURCES” is one of the leading construction companies in Saudi Arabiain Oil and Gas, Petrochemical and Power Sectors for the past 15 years.Currently,we have a strength of over 1100 plus employees.
Years Experience
We have strategic partnership with “Schmidt & Clemens, Germany–Spain ”for Reformer and Furnace Tube Replacement.
The 1st contract
signed with TEKFEN
& Saipem at Khurais
water Injection Proj.
value SR 26M.
105000 dia inch
Piping erection
Established own fabrication facility in J
Established a contract with
Farabi Petrochemicals for KCC
P Phase I & II Proj. & Aramco
for KAUST university proj.
Established own camp facility
in Jubail
Global Sources started
executing Furnace /
reformer re tubing works
in large number of Petro
chemical Plants in GCC
with our JV Partner,
(Germany - Spain)
GS became SABIC
approved vendor
Established a contract
with Saipem & TR for
Manifa CHCF & Cogenerat
ion proj.
value SR 160 M. Completed
Piping commissioning and
commissioning of 220,000
Dia inch
Executed SR 35 M project
with OMC Oman for
replacement of 15 nos.
manifold headers & 840
nos. reformer tubes.
Actual schedule was 35
days and Global complete
d the works in 25
days. The mile stone
achievement stands as the
biggest in turn around
projects across industry
We provide Electrical & Instrumentation Contracting Services for different types of industries i.e. Power Plant, Oil and Gas, Fertilizer, Chemical, Petrochemical, Refineries etc.
We offer Industrial plant construction, revamp & modification, expansion bottle necking for LSTK, EPC projects with the strength of more than 1000 employees.
Global Sources has a rich and varied experience in execution of challenging Civil projects in various Sabic affiliates & private plants within critical timeline and stringent parameters.
We provide Electrical & Instrumentation Contracting Services for different types of industries i.e. Power Plant, Oil and Gas, Fertilizer, Chemical, Petrochemical, Refineries etc.